The EU Alliance for Investing in Children brings together over 20 European Networks advocating for the full implementation of the European Commission Recommendation ‘Investing in Children – Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage’ since its adoption in 2013. In 2020 this gained new momentum with the European Child Guarantee.


Our mission is to promote child-centred, quality and comprehensive policies to tackle child poverty and promote child well-being, by providing expert support in the development of EU and national policies, legislation and funding programmes, in line with the European Commission Recommendation ‘Investing in Children – Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage’ and all horizontal principles included therein. We are united by our commitment to a multidimensional, rights-based approach to tackling child poverty and promoting child well-being. We believe the EC Recommendation offers a valuable framework for policy development at national and subnational level, but that its impact depends on political will, resources and effective decision-making.

The Alliance has been established to:

  • Fight child poverty and promote child well-being in Europe
  • Promote effective implementation of the European Commission Recommendation Investing in Children – Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage
  • Carry out advocacy activities at EU and National levels
  • Make the most of opportunities offered through EU policies, processes and funding to reach these goals.
